Watch this space!
Here’s where I’ll post the intro recording and tasks from the Challenge, so you can refer back to them throughout the week.
The Blog Challenge Intro recording from Monday’s launch:
Task 1:
Ask three clients what they’d like to read on your blog. If you don’t have many clients yet, think instead about the three different subject areas (content pillars) you might want to blog about in the business.
You could also have a look at any posts online from similar businesses that you think are interesting – and if you have anyone around you who is familiar with the business (a friend or family), you could ask them if they have any specific ideas for posts as well. Just one or two ideas at this stage will help to spark your thinking later down the line.
Task 2:
Task 2:
Today’s task is about what you’d like to blog about, using the four blog post types as a starting point: Products and Services, Lists and Tips, Opinions and Explainers, and About You. Jot down at least x2 post titles under each category.
Task 3:
Task 3:
Task 3 is to create that 12 month plan. Using the 8 post titles (or more) that you have from Task 2, plot them against the each of the next 12 months, starting with seasonal ones, and spreading them out across the year, leaving some gaps to give you flexibility.
Then set yourself a commitment for what will your writing, publishing and sharing schedule will be for each month – and put it in the diary!